The Importance of Knee extension after a knee replacement

The number one thing you want to accomplish after a TKR is getting full ROM. That means being able to straighten your leg, also known as knee extension. Post-surgery, achieving proper knee extension becomes a crucial aspect of the recovery process. While seemingly simple, knee extension plays a vital role in restoring function and ensuring the surgery’s success. A few main reasons achieving knee extension is so important:

Restoring Normal Walking Pattern:

Maintaining proper knee extension is crucial for restoring a normal walking pattern and overall mobility post-knee replacement surgery. Loss in extension can result in a shortened stride length, uneven pattern, and altered walking mechanics which could cause pain in other joints around the body. Regularly practicing knee extension exercises recommended by a physical therapist helps patients regain the ability to fully straighten their knee.

Enhancing Functionality

The ability to fully straighten the knee enables individuals to perform daily activities such as climbing stairs and getting up from a seated position with greater ease. Restoring proper range of motion promotes improved functionality, allowing patients to resume normal activities and participate in physical endeavors without significant limitations.

Decreases Postoperative Complications Risk:

Movement begets more movement. The more you can move, the more you will move. This helps to limit your chances of complications like blood clots.

Achieving proper knee extension is a critical aspect of the knee replacement recovery journey. Active participation in exercises and physical therapy to restore full knee extension allows patients to regain normal gait, prevent contractures, enhance range of motion, and reduce postoperative complications. Close collaboration with healthcare providers, adherence to exercise regimens, and prioritizing knee extension exercises are essential for optimizing recovery. With commitment and determination, patients can achieve an improved quality of life following knee replacement surgery.