Opportunity Physical Therapy Accessibility Statement

Policy 1. Our policy at OPT , we’re committed to accessibility. It is our policy to ensure that everyone, including persons with disabilities, has full and equal access to our digital offerings. 2. The standards we strive to meet OPT and our digital offerings strive to meet the following accessibility standards: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 A & AA, PDF/Universal Accessibility (PDF/UA) to ensure our digital offerings are ADA Compliant. 3. What we are doing to meet the above standards. Here are just some of the many ways that OPT and our digital offerings are accessible and meets the above accessibility standards:  Descriptive alt text is assigned to every meaningful image on our website  

Our website is navigable without a mouse, by keyboard only.  We use a focus indicator to highlight interactive elements on our website  Closed captioning is auto-generated on all videos on our externally hosted Youtube channels  Text transcripts for all video and audio are auto-generated on our externally hosted and Youtube channels.  We ensure that all text to background color contrast meets a 4.5:1 ratio. We include a skip navigation link on all pages of our website. We strive to maintain a consistent and predictable layout throughout our website. We only integrate and link to third-party apps, scripts, and websites that are meeting WCAG 2.0 AA standards All code created by our 3rd Party developer is put through an ADA Compliance testing process to ensure compliance prior to publishing. Beyond our existing remediation measures, we continually review our website (internally and independently) to ensure we adhere to best practices in web accessibility. 

At OPT we have taken the following steps:  We have appointed an internal web accessibility coordinator to oversee all of our digital operations and ensure they are accessible. Internal audits of accessible content and pages will be performed annually. Negative results are passed on to the content providers for remediation within reasonable timeframes.

We invite feedback from all users of our website to improve accessibility to be send to steve@opportunityphysicaltherapy.com . Through our genuine and good faith commitment and devotion to accessibility, we believe we not only meet but exceed the digital accessibility requirements imposed by Title I, II, & III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and have implemented the relevant portions of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level A & AA (WCAG 2.0 A & AA) as its web accessibility standard. 6. Your feedback is welcome. OPT is committed to accessibility and we are always seeking to improve. If you know of a way we can improve, we’d love to hear more. 

For more information on web accessibility and legal requirements, here are helpful resources:  

